Week 5-Amazing Arachnids
Welcome, to arachnids week! All arachnids have eight legs, most are carnivores, and they have two kinds of eyes! We will be focusing on spiders for Amazing Arachnids week!
Housekeeping: Thank you to all of you who invited friends to “Bring a Friend” week! This is a great way to introduce new people to the program! Here are some dates I want to bring to your attention: October 30th come dressed up in a costume for "I can be ANYTHING" week, November 6th-13th is priority enrollment for all registered families, November 14th new registrants for winter semester will be allowed to enroll (let your friends know this is the day to sign up for winter IF there are any openings left). Some of you have already earned some credit toward your winter semester tuition for referring a friend to the program! Good for you!!! Also, I would love to have some more quotes to post on the website about the program (just email me)! Thank you!!!
Rock Stars! We are going to have so much fun with Amazing Arachnids week! We will be counting to 8, learning the word carnivore, exploring tempo through using the words adagio/allegro, and working on voice projection when we’re startled by a spider! It will be a blast to take turns sitting on a tuffet and replacing Miss Muffet’s name with our little ones’ names, exploring kicking and passing balls, singing 5 Little Spiders, making thumbprint spiders, and enjoying the story Aaaarrgghh! Spider! By: Lydia Monks.
SuperStars! Get ready to creep and crawl around the dance floor as we explore spiders for Amazing Arachnids week! We will have a blast counting 5 spiders’ legs and adding them together to reach the number 40, learning the word carnivore, exploring tempo through using the words adagio/tempo, working on voice projection as we get startled by a spider to Little Miss Muffet, exploring all sorts of balls by kicking, passing, and shooting, singing 5 Little Spiders, making thumbprint spiders, and enjoying the story Aaaargghh! Spider! By: Lydia Monks.
Week 5-Amazing Arachnids
Welcome, to arachnids week! All arachnids have eight legs, most are carnivores, and they have two kinds of eyes! We will be focusing on spiders for Amazing Arachnids week!
Housekeeping: Thank you to all of you who invited friends to “Bring a Friend” week! This is a great way to introduce new people to the program! Here are some dates I want to bring to your attention: October 30th come dressed up in a costume for "I can be ANYTHING" week, November 6th-13th is priority enrollment for all registered families, November 14th new registrants for winter semester will be allowed to enroll (let your friends know this is the day to sign up for winter IF there are any openings left). Some of you have already earned some credit toward your winter semester tuition for referring a friend to the program! Good for you!!! Also, I would love to have some more quotes to post on the website about the program (just email me)! Thank you!!!
Rock Stars! We are going to have so much fun with Amazing Arachnids week! We will be counting to 8, learning the word carnivore, exploring tempo through using the words adagio/allegro, and working on voice projection when we’re startled by a spider! It will be a blast to take turns sitting on a tuffet and replacing Miss Muffet’s name with our little ones’ names, exploring kicking and passing balls, singing 5 Little Spiders, making thumbprint spiders, and enjoying the story Aaaarrgghh! Spider! By: Lydia Monks.
SuperStars! Get ready to creep and crawl around the dance floor as we explore spiders for Amazing Arachnids week! We will have a blast counting 5 spiders’ legs and adding them together to reach the number 40, learning the word carnivore, exploring tempo through using the words adagio/tempo, working on voice projection as we get startled by a spider to Little Miss Muffet, exploring all sorts of balls by kicking, passing, and shooting, singing 5 Little Spiders, making thumbprint spiders, and enjoying the story Aaaargghh! Spider! By: Lydia Monks.
Parent "Hand-out"
Little Miss Muffet
Little Miss Muffet
Little Miss/Mister ______________
(child's name)
(child's name)
Sat on a tuffet.
Eating her/his _______________ and _______________.
(food of choice) (food of choice)
Along came a spider
Who sat down beside her/him
And frightened Miss/Mister _________________ away.
(child's name)
The Spider in the Web
(tune of Farmer in the Dell)
The spider in the web,
The spider in the web,
Spin, spin, oh watch it spin,
The spider in the web.
The spider gets a fly,
The spider gets a fly,
Spin, spin, oh watch it spin,
The spider gets a fly.
The spider gets a ____________,
The spider gets a ____________,
Spin, spin, oh watch it spin,
The spider gets a ____________.
Five Little Spiders
Five little spiders crawling all around.
The first one said, "See the bug I found?"
The second one said, "My web is neat."
The third one said, "I have eight feet."
The fourth one said, "We're all so small!"
The fifth one said, "Time for autumn leaves to fall."
Then whoosh went the wind and out went the light
And the five little spiders crawled out of sight!
See you, October 9th!!!
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