Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy Valentine's!

Welcome, to Valentine’s Week!

This lesson is a fabulous opportunity to explore opposites! The Happy Valentine's theme is centered around the heart shape. The heart is a shape whose top is opposite from its bottom (rounded on top and pointy on bottom).


Our next service project’s goal is to raise money for the SmileTrain, an organization that performs surgeries to correct clefts and other problems for your children. We are selling beautiful personalized mother’s bracelets to raise the money. $10 from each bracelet will go toward the organization. Just $50 provides all the medication needed for a patient undergoing surgery, $150 covers half a surgery, and $250 covers an entire surgery. Whatever amount we can raise will help! There are a few important dates coming up, like: Easter and Mother's Day where a bracelet could be put away as a gift for one of these special occasions. I will pass out order forms this Friday and collect all orders February 19th! Please, allow 2 weeks for the bracelets to be completed once the orders are received.

The tentative date to be in SugarSpace (616 E. Wilmington Ave.) is March 19th (the last day of winter semester). This is very exciting to have our classes taking place in a professional arts establishment. Check out their website, The classes are not advertised on the website, yet. Although, you can get a feel for the space and what it offers in addition to The Stars Early Childhood Creative Arts classes.

Valentine’s Week

The heart is a popular shape on Valentine’s Day. It is a shape that carries a lot of symbolism. Its top is opposite from its bottom, round vs. pointy. This week we will be exploring opposites: tall-short, fast-slow, loud-quiet, heavy-light, thick-thin, happy-sad, calm-energetic, round-pointy, etc.

Rock Stars! We will introduce our theme with using a favorite children’s songs to explore opposites, If You’re Happy And You Know It! Running Revolution will provide us the opportunity to creatively move our bodies while exploring opposites. We will dance with colorful scarves for Group Activity, play xylophones exploring opposites of: fast vs. slow, loud vs. soft, decorate Valentine’s, and enjoy a Valentine’s story!

SuperStars! We will have a wonderful time exploring opposites. We will sing If You’re Happy And You Know It while exploring opposites, creatively move our bodies to explore opposites, play an opposites movement game where we’ll each take turns being the leader while the rest of the class does the opposite of what the leader does, explore the opposites of largo vs. allegro and piano vs. forte with xylophones, create a Valentine’s Day surprise, and enjoy a Valentine’s story!

I’m looking forward to seeing you in class!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Dinosaur Week!

Welcome, to Dinosaur Week!

Stars, get ready to soar like a Pteranodon, stomp like T-Rex, stretch like a Diplodocus, and swing your tail like a Stegosaurus!


I want to remind you of some dates coming up! This Friday is Priority Enrollment for Star School. Email me for an information packet and registration form if you're interested. The second tuition payment for winter semester is due 2/5. Thank you!

Shortly, I will update you on the details for our next service project. We are working on a project that will raise money for the smiletrain where children receive surgeries to repair clefts and other problems.

Rock Stars, we will creatively stomp our dino feet, swing our dino tails, stretch our dino necks, and flap our dino wings. We'll enjoy doing the Dinosaur Stomp where we’ll stomp, claw, freeze, waddle, and stomp some more like dinos. We will sing and pretend we’re baby dinosaurs hatching out of our eggs to the tune of Mary Had A Little Lamb, enjoy a dinosaur stamping visual arts activity, and finish class with a fun story, How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You?

Superstars, get ready to make heavy movements like a T-rex, light movements like a Pteranodon, fast movement like a Velociraptor, and slow movements like a Brachiosaurus. We will bring dinosaur masks to life to the beat of Walk the Dinosaur, explore the tempo accelerando by singing Dinosaurs Are In Their Eggs, and create a dinosaur habitat for our dinosaur stamps.

See you in class! Have a wonderful week!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Zoo Week!

Hey, it's Zoo Week! Hooray!

Zoo Week is a fun lesson to use with children! Children loves zoo animals and the zoo train!

Rock Stars, I'm excited for you to come and explore Zoo Week with me! We’ll be exploring penguins, elephants, lions, and the zoo train through creative movement, creative drama, music, and visual art. We’ll take a zoo train ride on the parachute, sing Mr. Kapoo Has A Zoo to the tune of Old MacDonald while dressing up as a zoo animal, do a contact paper collage art activity, and enjoy a Zoo story at the end of class!

Superstars, get ready get into the character of your favorite zoo animal! We will be using different zoo animals to explore different creative movements. We’ll use heavy movement to show elephants, light movements to show penguins, and low movements to show lions. We’ll use creative drama to act like different zoo animals where each Star will take the stage to show the class actions and sounds of that animal, we’ll sing Mr. Kapoo Has A Zoo to the tune of Old MacDonald where we’ll review the tempo accelerando, and create a tape art masterpiece!

I’m excited for Zoo Week! See all of you there!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Welcome, to Monkeying Around week! This theme is inspired by several children’s favorites, including: Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb by Al Perkins, the Curious George series, and Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed!

This week is all about celebrating children’s curiosity of their surroundings and even trying our best to welcome the messes that come along with their discovery process!


The Stars Creative Arts Program is a welcoming environment for children where focus placed on the discoveries children make throughout the learning process, not the final product. We explore weekly thematic lesson plans though creative movement, creative drama, visual arts activities, and music. Please, feel free to invite a friend to class to introduce them to this program. Email me ahead of time so I can be sure to prepare enough materials for everyone to enjoy!

Star School applications will be ready this Friday! Please, email me if you are interested in applying your child for Star School but are unsure of birthday qualifications. There is some flexibility with birthday deadlines-please, check with me about this before you turn in an application. Star School will only be accepting 6 students total and you have priority enrollment, so, be sure to take advantage of this by turning your application during priority enrollment time. I wish I had more time to answer questions of Friday afternoons, although, I unfortunately do not. Email me,

ROCK STARS: Get ready to move, sing, drum, and paint in Monkeying Around class! There are so many fun and interesting things about monkeys. We will sing Apples and Bananas, participate in creative monkey movements, read Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, enjoy some monkey creativity with finger painting, and drum to Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb!

SUPERSTARS: We’re going to have a blast learning about monkeys through creative movements, creative drama, visual arts, and music. We will creatively move like monkeys while exploring different elements of dance: weight and time. Superstars get to learn about tempo while drumming, create finger painting masterpieces, and singing Teasing Mr. Alligator. Superstars, you may invite a friend to class! Please, email me ahead of time so I prepare enough materials!

See you, Friday!

Ms. Erin

Monday, January 4, 2010

Fabulous Frogs!

Welcome, to The Stars Early Childhood Creative Arts Program winter semester!

Let’s hop into winter with the theme of Fabulous Frogs!


Superstars class has been moved to 2:00 on Friday afternoons for winter semester. We have a wonderful time in Superstars class exploring weekly themes through creative movement, creative drama, visual arts projects, and music. Superstars, you are welcome to bring friends to class on Friday afternoons with you! What a fun way to spend a play date, in a creative environment building lasting friendships and memories!

Rock Stars classes are held at 1:00 and 3:00. There are 2 openings in the 1:00 Rock Stars class and 1 opening in the 3:00 Rock Stars class. IF, any of you have friends you would like to invite to try the class, email me! We love visitors!

A few changes have been made for Star School 2010-11. Star School will accept 6 students instead of 10 students and parent volunteering will be recommended, not required. Applications will be available this Friday. Stars enrolled in the Friday creative arts classes receive priority enrollment and may turn in applications the last week of January. Open enrollment begins the following week.

Winter semester tuition is due. Please, have the first payment turned in on Friday if you have not already paid. Rock Stars first payment-$51.73 and the Superstars first payment-$54.25!

Fabulous Frogs!

Rock Stars, let’s take a big leap into winter with Fabulous Frogs week! This week is a great introduction to frogs for the little ones. We will explore different things about frogs: frogs lay eggs, have 4 legs, have a long tongue, hibernate in the winter, jump, and swim. We will open up “Hello Circle” with a fun song about frogs to the tune of The Mulberry Bush, explore frog movements during “Running Revolution” with an emphasis on jumping off of two feet and landing on two feet, engage in abstract thinking by pretending we’re frogs jumping from lily pad to lily pad and landing in the pond to the music of Crazy Frogs, sing Five Green & Speckled Frogs, create frog eggs with food art, and wrap up class with the story Little Green Frogs. What an exciting class to look forward to!

Superstars, we’re going to have a wonderful time bouncing around class as frogs and exploring the life cycle of frogs. We will creatively move our bodies to explore the life cycle of frogs: frog egg, tadpole, tadpole w/legs, froglet, and adult frog. We will use closed and open shapes to explore each of these stages of a frog’s life. Superstars will be exploring the element of time in dance by creatively moving like a frog for 7 counts and freezing on the 8 count. While exploring the count of 8 we will be using long streamers as frog tongues. Superstars, will participate in acting out the song Five Green & Speckled Frogs, create a crayon drawing on white paper and paint over it with thinned paint (a technique that mimics the finished product of a Batik masterpiece in a kid friendly way). We will finish off class with the story Little Green Frogs! Let’s get jumping!!!

See you, Friday!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Spread My Good Cheer!

"Spread My Good Cheer" week is a fun time to explore the symbols of this holiday season!


Semester in Review: Thank you, to all of you who participated in fall semester Rock Stars and Superstars classes! It has been a pleasure working with you and your children! Throughout this semester, we have explored weekly themes through creative movement, creative drama, visual art, and music! As a community, we were able to collect 10 Hygiene kits, 5 sweat suits, 20 pairs of underwear, 6 undershirts, 35 pairs of socks, 6 pairs of gloves, and lots of extras for The Christmas Box house, AMAZING! We raised over $200 toward the typhoon victims in the Philippines, WONDERFUL! In addition, your children participated in 14 more creative arts classes where each are celebrated as individuals and encouraged to progress at their own pace! This has been a successful semester and I look forward to many more with you and your children!

Winter semester begins January 8th! The first payment for winter semester tuition is due! If you have not already paid, please, drop a check in you folder this Friday. Rock Stars: first payment $51.75 or full semester $103.50, Superstars: first payment $54.25 or full semester $54.25.

Star School will be starting September 2010-11. To request information, please, email me and I will email you an informative description of the program and its calendar of classes.

Rock Stars: This Friday we’ll be spreading our good cheer through exploring the widely celebrated holiday, Christmas-not to forget Hanukah or Kwanzaa! We will sing songs related to Christmas, explore symbols of Christmas through creative movement, enjoy refining our hand-eye coordination with balloons to Christmas music, string our own jingle bell to shake along to Jingle Bells, decorate Santa’s beard with cotton balls, and enjoy the story: Jingle Jingle!

Superstars: We’ll be exploring the widely celebrated Christmas with vibrant colors! After creative movement, we will be spraying cotton balls with different colors of food coloring! We will allow the colorful cotton balls to dry while we string our own jingle bell to shake along to Jingle Bells. After, we will gather up our colorful cotton balls we will glue them to paper in a creative pattern of our own choice! We will also be reviewing: adagio, allegro, forte, and piano!

I look forward to seeing you on, Friday! Happy Holidays!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Bear Hunt

Welcome, to Bear Hunt week. This theme is inspired by the popular book, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt written by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury.


Thank you, to all of you who donated to The Christmas Box House! We were able to bring in shampoo, conditioner, lotions, diapers, and clothing. All of these items are given to children who are staying at The Christmas Box House until they are placed in the custody of a responsible family! Again, THANK YOU!

Winter semester begins January 8th! There are two more classes in fall semester! Thank you, to all of you for participating in this creative arts program. I have seen many wonderful discoveries and developments in The Stars children who attend! I commend you parents for making the time and commitment to bring your child to class every week and enhance your child's early childhood experiences!!! Impressive! I am excited for everyone who has enrolled for winter semester and I look forward many more great experiences for your children.

Star School 2010-11 calendar will be ready this Friday. The Stars Creative Arts’ students who attend the Friday classes are eligible for priority registration starting February 1st. Please, email me with any questions you have regarding the program. If, you have somebody you know who is interested, please pass on their email to me and I will forward them the preschool information. Star School only admits 10 students. The registration form will be ready on January 8th. Be sure to have your form filled out and ready to submit on February 1st. Students are admitted on a first come/first serve basis. I have many exciting activities planned for Star School students! Star School is a great start for your child's introduction to school. I hope you consider enrolling!

Superstars, I invite you to bring a friend to class this Friday!!! It will be a lot of fun! Please, let me know if somebody will be attending with you so I have enough materials for everyone!!! Thank you!

Bear Hunt

Bear Week is an inspiring week for many creative arts experiences. We will explore open shapes, heavy shapes, and closed shapes to creatively move like bears. Rock stars will engage in a creative drama activity to the famous story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears by exploring large, medium, and small bowls of porridge and creatively running away from the bear when it appears. Music Circle will bring instrumental exploration with the Boom Whackers to the tune of The Bear Went Over The Mountain. Rock Stars will get to make their own icicle ornament to hang at home and we'll end the class with a fun story called, Bear Stays Up For Christmas by: Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman.

Wow, what a fun week we have ahead of us, Superstars! We will open up our creative movement time to the story, We’re Going on A Bear Hunt. Superstars will get to creatively move their bodies to show how they might move through thick oozy mud, a big dark forest, a swirling whirling snowstorm, or how they would run away from a grouchy bear just woken up from its sleep! During creative drama, students will get to make up actions to the poem, Big Grizzly Bear! Super stars, will play the song, The Bear Went Over The Mountain using their Boom Whackers. Superstars will be making some wet chalk drawings for their visual arts activity while listening to Johann Sebastian Bach. We will finish class by reading, Bear Stays Up For Christmas by: Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman.

Thank you, for reading! I will see you, Friday!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Trains Week!

Welcome, to “Trains” week! I’m excited to see you back in class after a long holiday weekend!


The Christmas Box House service project was extended to this Friday! Please, bring in your items to class! They will be delivered to The Christmas Box House during December. Thank you, to all of you who have donated! The Christmas Box house greatly appreciates your donations!!!

Winter semester starts January 8th! There is still room in the Rock Stars 1:00, Shooting Stars 2:00, and Superstars 4:00. The Rock Stars 3:00 class is full for winter semester. Remember, The Stars offers a Refer A Friend program that earns you money toward your tuition. Some of you have already earned $10 toward your winter semester! Thank you, for spreading the word!

Star School! I will be opening up a creative arts pre-school out of my home for the 2010-11 school year. It will be offered for children 3, 4, and 5 years of age. Star School will run on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30-12:30 with a "Lunch Bunch" option from 12:30-1:30. All Stars currently enrolled in the Friday programs will be eligible for priority enrollment to the pre-school starting at the end of January. I will have a detailed packed ready to be handed out to those interested on Friday! I am very excited about Star School!


Rock Stars, get ready to sing about trains, move like trains, sound like trains, and play with trains! We will enjoy singing songs, like: Down By The Station and I’ve Been Workin' On The Railroad. Rock Stars, will enjoy exploring conductor hats, bells, trains, and the tunnel during exploration! Art Circle will bring us some fun train stamps and decorations to allow the Rock Stars to create a train that looks just the way they like!

Superstars, we will be taking a train ride deep into the jungle where we will creatively move like trains maneuvering through animal filled jungles. We will enjoy singing songs, like: I’ve Been Workin’ On The Railroad and the Jungle Train Song. Each Superstar will take a turn being a conductor guiding us in zig-zag, straight, and curvy pathways. Superstars, will be introduced to the famous artist, Leonardo Da Vinci, who was famous for his paintings. They will be given paper, tempera paint, and many different tools to create their own masterpiece!

Thank you, for reading the blog! I will see you, Friday!!!

Ms. Erin

Monday, November 16, 2009

I am Thankful!


Priority/Open Enrollment for winter semester!
Thank you, to all of you who registered during Priority Enrollment. Open Enrollment has now begun. New registrants are welcome to register for winter semester. Your spot in class is held for you once the first winter semester tuition payment is paid. You may drop your registration form and payment in your folder in class at anytime! The 3:00 Rock Stars class is full. If, you are interested in the 3:00 class you may attend the 1:00 class and be placed on a waiting list for the 3:00 time. Some of you have received $10 off winter semester tuition for referring a friend to the program. Thank you, for sharing this creative arts program with your friends!

Halloween Pictures
Thank you, to all of you who put your picture orders in on-time! Please, email Sheryll with your order, ASAP. You may email her at: You may bring any checks for Sheryll on Friday if you ordered additional pictures above the $15 package. I will let you know when the pictures will be ready, soon!

The Christmas Box House Service Project!
This Friday will be the last day to donate the listed items to The Christmas Box House! You may bring any of the following items to class and drop them in the blue bin: toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, soap for sensitive skin, new socks, new underwear, new jeans, new t-shirts, new sweatshirts (any size for the listed items). These items are given to the children they provide housing for until they find permanent residency.

I am Thankful!

The, I am Thankful class is a great way to teach children about the Thanksgiving Holiday! Integrating the arts adds fun and imagination to this loved tradition, by many. The USA and Canada are not the only countries who celebrate a holiday like this. The U.K., China, Korea, and India celebrate some kind of harvest festival, too. They just call it by different names.

In class, we will explore what Thanksgiving is, the symbols of Thanksgiving, creatively move our bodies to explore aspects of Thanksgiving, ride our horses to Grandma’s house to the famous tune of Over the River and Through the Woods (originally, a song about Thanksgiving), enjoy a Thanksgiving Feast with our friends with pretend food and table settings, use our hands as stamps in creating our own visual art turkeys, and come together to listen to a Thanksgiving story.

I will see you in class, Friday! Gobble, gobble, gobble!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

On the Farm!

Welcome, to On the Farm week!


Priority Enrollment lasts through this Friday. Open Enrollment begins November 14th. I will have winter semester registration forms with me on, Friday. Remember, the Refer a Friend program earns you $10 per new family that signs up from your referral. Share, this fun creative arts program with your friends!!!

I hope you were able to see your Halloween pictures! All of them are adorable! Here is the link for you to view your 5 shots: The password is Halloween2009. Please, order by this Wednesday by emailing your file number and desired package to If, you are ordering prints in addition to the $15 package, you may bring the check to class and I will pass it on to Sheryll. Thank you! What a fun way to do service!!!

We are still collecting items for The Christmas Box House. You may bring the items to class and Suzanne Hatch will collect them and deliver them to The Christmas Box House. We will continue collecting items throughout the month of November. Thank you!

On the Farm, is a great week for animal exploration! We will explore the element of weight by moving heavy and light to show movements of different farm animals during creative movement, have a great time dancing The Chicken Dance, explore the elements of character and language during dramatic play, try on real cowboy boots and hats, sing Old MacDonald, (Super Stars) sing Are You Listening? to the tune of Frere Jacques, enjoy some sensory exploration with homemade play dough (I’ll share the recipe), (Rock Stars) have fun reading Z-Z-Z-Zoink! and (Super Stars) Farmer Brown Goes Round and Round.

I will see you, Friday! Have a wonderful week!