Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Halloween! Wear your costume to class!

Happy Halloween! Holidays are such a great way to create lasting memories and HAVE FUN!

Housekeeping: We are still collecting items for The Christmas Box House service project! We have had a few items come in: shampoos and conditioners. Please, feel free to bring items during the next 2-3 weeks! Thank you!

Friday, Sheryll Lynne Photography will be at class taking to take Halloween pictures of your little one in his/her classroom. If, you have not already paid and have decided you would like to participate, bring your $15 and she may be able to squeeze you in!

Superstars, class is taking place at 2:00 on Friday, not 4:00! Superstars may bring a friend to class on Friday to join in on the Halloween festivities!!!

Rock Stars/Superstars, get ready for some fun Halloween festivities! Come dressed in your Halloween costume! We will use your costumes for creative movement during Running Revolution, continue to work on forward/backwards and add sideways, play Ring Around the Rosie with special Halloween lyrics (those who want to will have the chance to participate in some drama while acting like a witch in the middle), dance to the Halloween anthem The Monster Mash, sing 5 Little Pumpkins while exploring piano and forte, make jack o’ lanterns out of foam shapes, and make edible hands out of candy corn and popcorn!

See you, Friday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Erin! These classes are the best! We love to come every Friday! Cheri and I love the time that we get to share together with this class! Great Daddy Daughter bonding time! WE LOVE SHINING STARS KIDS CLASS!
