Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Halloween! Wear your costume to class!

Happy Halloween! Holidays are such a great way to create lasting memories and HAVE FUN!

Housekeeping: We are still collecting items for The Christmas Box House service project! We have had a few items come in: shampoos and conditioners. Please, feel free to bring items during the next 2-3 weeks! Thank you!

Friday, Sheryll Lynne Photography will be at class taking to take Halloween pictures of your little one in his/her classroom. If, you have not already paid and have decided you would like to participate, bring your $15 and she may be able to squeeze you in!

Superstars, class is taking place at 2:00 on Friday, not 4:00! Superstars may bring a friend to class on Friday to join in on the Halloween festivities!!!

Rock Stars/Superstars, get ready for some fun Halloween festivities! Come dressed in your Halloween costume! We will use your costumes for creative movement during Running Revolution, continue to work on forward/backwards and add sideways, play Ring Around the Rosie with special Halloween lyrics (those who want to will have the chance to participate in some drama while acting like a witch in the middle), dance to the Halloween anthem The Monster Mash, sing 5 Little Pumpkins while exploring piano and forte, make jack o’ lanterns out of foam shapes, and make edible hands out of candy corn and popcorn!

See you, Friday!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Curious Cats!!!

Week 7-Curious Cats!

Welcome, to Curious Cats week! A week to celebrate children’s curiosity and playfulness! Cats appear in many popular films, including: Cats, The Broadway Musical! Cats have a grace and elegance to them. They run with rhythm, pounce with vigor, and explore with excitement!

Housekeeping: Suzanne Hatch, our service coordinator, is gladly accepting donated items to be brought to The Christmas Box House in November. You may bring any of the following items to class and drop them in the blue bin: toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, soap for sensitive skin, new socks, new underwear, new jeans, new t-shirts, new sweatshirts (any size for the listed items). These items are given to the children they provide housing for until they find permanent residency.

October 30th Halloween Pictures Fundraiser for Typhoon Victims! Sheryll Lynne Photography is coming on October 30th to take pictures of your child in his/her Halloween costume for a fee of $15 to help raise money for the Typhoon victims in the Philippines. You must pre-pay by this Friday in order reserve your spot. You may include your friends in this fundraiser and they may enjoy the Halloween festivities with us in class under a free-trial basis. You may reserve your friend’s spot by bringing his/her $15 to class on Friday. You will receive either: one 5 by 7, two 4 by 6’s, or eight wallets. You may order additional sizes and quantities at an additional cost to be worked out with Sheryll, the photographer.

Rock Stars! We are going to have a great time exploring the theme of Curious Cats! Moving like a cat can be so much fun! We will explore jumping, pouncing, running, pawing, sniffing, licking, rolling, and snuggling like a cat during Running Revolution! We will dance like cats to Everybody Want To Be A Cat from the animation Aristocats. The obstacle course will be brought back for exploration time with two added centers: a kitchen musical center and cat exploration box. Magnifying glasses will be introduced to encourage the Rock Stars to take a closer look at the things in their environment and talk about them! We will sing the song I’m a Little Kitten to the tune of I’m a Little Teapot! This week is a big one for exploring rhythm. We will use an African Children’s song called Tu! Tu! Gbovi to explore ostinato rhythm. We will explore musical instruments to an African drum rhythm. We will finish off class with shape collage animal art (while listening to Mozart) and the book Kitten’s First Full Moon!

Superstars! Get ready for a fun class full of exploration! We will jump, pounce, run, paw, sniff, lick, roll, stretch, meow, and purr! Dancing to Everybody Wants To Be A Cat will be a blast with cat ears on our heads! The obstacle course is coming back with two added stations: kitchen musical play and a special cat bag to explore with our magnifying glasses! We will sing the song I’m A Little Kitten to the tune of I’m a Little Teapot! It’s important to work on our rhythm, so, we will clap to an African children’s song called Tu! Tu! Gbovi! Then, we’ll bring out some musical instruments to explore to some African drum rhythms. We will finish off class with shape collage animal art (while we listen to Mozart) and enjoy the story Kitten’s First Full Moon!

See you, Friday!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Week 6-Changing Colors!

Welcome, to Changing Colors week!

Housekeeping: Suzanne Hatch, our service coordinator, has organized a service project for The Christmas Box House! The Christmas Box House is in need of the following items: toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, soap for sensitive skin, new socks, new underwear, new jeans, new t-shirts, new sweatshirts (any size for the listed items). The Christmas Box House provides these items for children of all ages whom they house until they find permanent residency with a family. You may bring these items to class and drop them in the bin during the month of October! Thank you, for your support!

Halloween Pictures! Sheryll Lynne Photography has offered to come to class on the 30th to take individual pictures of The Stars in their costumes. The details are still being worked out. It will be a nominal fee and you’ll receive a few 5 by 7 prints. Sheryll Lynne Photography is raising money for the Typhoon victims and all proceeds go toward this fundraiser. I will post the details as soon as I get them.

Rock Stars! Changing Colors week is such a fun week to explore the season of fall and all of the colors around us! We have leaves and rakes (in form of mini-dusting pans) to explore, umbrellas to help shield up from a thunderstorm, colored beanbags for group activity, songs to sing about colors, a wonderful story to read about a little tree who has a hard time changing his leaves’ to the right colors (Fall Is Not Easy), and we’ll even get to make our own tree with multi-colored leaves on them! We’ll have so much fun!

Superstars! We’re going to have a blast exploring the fall season and the many colors that surround us! You’ll each get to take a turn being a swaying tree in the wind while your classmates are the leaves swirling around you. We’ll escape from a thunderstorm using umbrellas to shield us, do a group activity with beanbags, rake leaves, sing songs about different colored objects, read a fun story about a little tree that has a hard time changing its leaves the right fall colors (Fall Is Not Easy), and you’ll even get to make your own tree using multi-colored leaves!

See you, Friday!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Fall Season Service Project!

Click on this image to view the items in a larger font! This has been organized by our service coordinator, Suzanne Hatch! Please, contact her if you have any questions! Thank you! Ms. Erin